Protection of animals and humans -
UV-C air disinfection and odor elimination in veterinary practices

In veterinary practices, a colorful mix of four-legged friends and people meet. In addition to unpleasant odors that can form and spread, animals can also transmit diseases through the air in the room.

Whether dog, cat, mouse or human – to prevent infections and contagions, the use of UV-C air purifiers and ozone devices is the solution!

Mann untersucht Hund in Tierarztpraxis
Frau mit Maske untersucht Katze
Katze die eine Spritze verabreicht bekommt
Mann und Frau mit Maske untersuchen einen Hund
Hund trinkt aus einer Schüssel


  • Reduction of sick leave
  • Elimination of unpleasant odors
  • Improvement of indoor air quality
  • Easy to retrofit
  • Low energy costs
  • No chemical cleaning